First Meeting: Rotations
Gathered in the academic quad, we started off our first meeting surrounded by familiar faces and new faces alike. Captains of each branch rotated through rooms to introduce their branch to novice members, hoping to interest new members in their respective events. To better understand how each event works, captains led our speechers to play various speech games and gain a better grasp on what participating in each event is like.

The impromptu captains gave a brief description of the event impromptu and engaged students in practicing speaking with limited prep time (top left). The original captains played a video of an example speech to help novice members visualize original oratory speaking (top right). The interp captains explained the four interp events and played a characterization game during which novices came to the front of the classroom to act out different characters (bottom left). The extemp captains led a game during which students held a mock argument to learn the basic format of extemp events (bottom right).
We were beyond excited to have so many new members join our ranks today - and we rest assured that all the team’s novices will excel, with a resilient team spirit and strong mentorship guiding them. And together, with members old and new, we look forward to a successful speech season!